Choose from over 3,500 gift card options available in 150+ countries. Whether it’s a favorite retailer, restaurant, or experience, there’s something for everyone.
Available within the US, our selection includes gourmet gift baskets, tech gadgets, luxury spa kits, and more. From $20 to $999, there is a gift at every price point.
Create custom-branded swag for your company. From apparel to accessories, these personalized items add a special touch to your gifts.
With the ability to add as many different users to your platform, and customize their permissions so they can work smarter, not harder:
Our automated reporting tools and funding options make sure that whenever something needs your attention you are notified right away, and everything else is handled by us!
You don't need worry about your recipients using the rewards you send. Should they leave a reward link unredeemed, you can recover a portion of that balance for your future gifts!
Sign up today and discover how easy and rewarding corporate gifting can be with Gifted.