Memorial Day is a federal holiday that is bound to be marked on the calendars of HRprofessionals. And yet, it can be challenging to imagine appropriate ways to commemorate theholiday in the workplace - especially if your organization hires veterans.Worry not, HR pros. As your dependable sidekick in seasonal gifting at the office, Gifted hasrounded up some ideas about how to commemorate Memorial Day in the workplace. But first, abrief history lesson.
Memorial Day has its origins in the conclusion of the Civil War which, at the time, had claimedmore lives than any other conflict in US history. The loss was so great that it required theestablishment of the country’s first national cemeteries. In the late 1860s, Americans in varioustowns and cities began holding informal tributes to the fallen soldiers by decorating their graveswith flowers and other offerings in the Spring.
We don’t know for sure where exactly this tradition originated. Some records indicate that one ofthe earliest Memorial Day ceremonies was conducted by a group of formerly enslaved people inCharleston, South Carolina, just under a month after the Confederacy surrendered in 1865.In any case, on May 5th 1868, the leader of an organization for Northern Civil War veterans bythe name of General John A. Logan designated May 30th as a day to decorate the graves offallen comrades “who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whosebodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet churchyard in the land”. The date wasselected because it did not fall on the anniversary of any particular battle. The purpose of theholiday was to commemorate all fallen soldiers and was, at the time, known as Decoration Day.Memorial Day as we know it became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americansobserve Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or attending memorials, hosting family gathers,and participating in parades to pay their respects to the US personnel who gave their lives inbattle. Memorial Day is now held on the last Monday of May each year so that federalemployees can enjoy a long weekend.
Memorial Day may be about the US soldiers who gave their lives in the ultimate sacrifice, butthe holiday also invites us to celebrate the soldiers who are either still in service or are retiredveterans who have reentered civil society. Veterans often struggle to find civilian jobs followingtheir military service, and veteran unemployment is a growing issue in the country.
According to a 2022 report from CBS News, finding a job after their military service ends affectsnearly 200 000 veterans a year. Reports from the Pew Research Center reflect that only one infour veterans have a job lined up for them after they exit the armed forces. A 2016 US Chamberof Commerce Foundation study found that 53% of veterans are unemployed for four months ormore after they leave active service. The cultural discrepancies between military service and civilian life may be partially responsible for the struggle to find gainful employment.“Business is a new language, you know?” Major General Dustin “Dusty” Shultz tells CBS News.“In the military, we have our own terminology. I work in the G-357 and to most people, thatdoesn’t mean much. But if I tell somebody, you know, ‘I work in the operations center of theArmy’, that means a lot.” Following their years in service, veterans are in a position where theyhave to literally translate their skills from one specialization into another. That can be a barrier toentry into most civilian workplaces.
Some of the most significant obstacles which make it challenging for veterans to enter civilianjobs include the following.
Nevertheless, what veterans lack in civilian experience, they more than make up for with aspecialized skill set that can be put into service of any organization. It’s time that we startedthinking of military service like we would any regular job history.
The challenge is not in rapidly upskilling or educating veterans - that is an impossible task.Instead, the challenge is in reframing the way that prospective employers regard military serviceas work experience that equips veterans with a transferable skillset that would make them anasset to the organization. For one, the general skills and discipline that veterans acquire duringtheir years of service make them loyal and hardworking employees
As one man who used to run a small supermarket says of a veteran he hired to be a generalfloor manager, “Because of his general military experience, he was invaluable to me. Honest toa fault but incredibly disciplined and smart, he saved me and the store a lot of money becauseof his vigilance and his sense of duty.”
Want to hear more about why vets are valuable employees? Read “4 Reasons Military VeteransCan Make Great Employees” by Gifted.
Your workplace is likely either to have veterans among the staff or to have employees withfamily members who served in the military. Memorial Day is an opportune occasion tocommemorate and celebrate these employees. Here are a few ideas you can use tocommemorate the holiday in a meaningful way before everyone enjoys the festivities of the longweekend.
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